Chlamydomonus reinhardtii in family GH63 thmm coord ali coord ID Family tlen qlen E-Value from to from to Cre13.g573600.t1.2 GH63 570 439 0.011 228 314 47 137 g14243.t1 GH63 570 903 5.5e-21 363 566 453 899 Cre03.g195600.t1.2 GH63 570 653 0.00089 437 567 263 649 Cre10.g447550.t1.3 GH63 570 1278 8.5e-29 361 511 661 1037 g4548.t1 GH63 570 1049 0.097 210 333 419 544 g4548.t1 GH63 570 1049 0.097 300 394 730 824