Gossypium raimondii in family GH85 thmm coord ali coord ID Family tlen qlen E-Value from to from to Gorai.010G243800.1 GH85 315 411 0.00008 85 161 154 227 Gorai.009G053800.1 GH85 315 380 0.00001 73 137 111 174 Gorai.013G217700.1 GH85 315 358 0.00000013 70 137 87 153 Gorai.011G290600.1 GH85 315 690 0 1 313 74 355 Gorai.008G030900.6 GH85 315 411 0.0021 190 282 249 339 Gorai.008G030900.7 GH85 315 411 0.0021 190 282 249 339 Gorai.012G079500.1 GH85 315 737 0 1 313 114 395