Selaginella moellendorffii in family GH25 thmm coord ali coord ID Family tlen qlen E-Value from to from to 123660 GH25 177 726 0.0043 95 145 54 101 123660 GH25 177 726 0.0043 105 131 169 194 123660 GH25 177 726 0.0043 99 142 269 311 123660 GH25 177 726 0.0043 99 150 479 530 98236 GH25 177 264 0 1 176 54 245 98567 GH25 177 235 0 1 176 25 216 409004 GH25 177 705 0.00035 107 135 169 196 409004 GH25 177 705 0.00035 41 139 328 431