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Protein ID | Type | Start | End | Strand | Signature |
Protein ID | Type | Start | End | Strand | Signature |
NC_000913.3_3654 | CAZyme | 3899408 | 3900577 | - | CE1_e22|CBM48|CE1 |
NC_000913.3_3655 | TC | 3900604 | 3902220 | - | 1.B.3.1.3 |
NC_000913.3_3656 | CAZyme | 3902289 | 3903701 | - | GH1_e85|GH1 |
NC_000913.3_3657 | TC | 3903720 | 3905597 | - | 4.A.1.2.2 |
NC_000913.3_3658 | null | 3905731 | 3906567 | - | |
NC_000913.3_3659 | null | 3906853 | 3907578 | - | |
NC_000913.3_3660 | TC | 3907593 | 3908366 | - | 3.A.1.7.1 |
NC_000913.3_3661 | TC | 3908549 | 3909439 | - | 3.A.1.7.1 |
NC_000913.3_3662 | TC | 3909439 | 3910398 | - | 3.A.1.7.1 |
NC_000913.3_3663 | TC | 3910485 | 3911525 | - | 3.A.1.7.1 |
qseqid | sseqid | PULID | pident | length | mismatch | gapopen | qstart | qend | sstart | send | evalue | bitscore | qlen | slen |
qseqid | sseqid | PULID | pident | length | mismatch | gapopen | qstart | qend | sstart | send | evalue | bitscore | qlen | slen |
NC_000913.3_3656|CAZyme|GH1_e85;GH1 | PUL0041_3|CAZyme|GH1 | PUL0041 | 75.216 | 464 | 115 | 0 | 1 | 464 | 1 | 464 | 0.0 | 758.0 | 471 | 464 |
NC_000913.3_3657|TC | PUL0041_2|TC | PUL0041 | 55.128 | 624 | 270 | 3 | 4 | 625 | 6 | 621 | 0.0 | 666.0 | 626 | 621 |
NC_000913.3_3658|null | PUL0041_1|CDS | PUL0041 | 59.574 | 94 | 38 | 0 | 184 | 277 | 1 | 94 | 6.48e-36 | 122.0 | 279 | 96 |
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