Written by Tanner Yohe under the supervision of Dr. Yin in the Yin Lab at NIU Rewritten specifcally for dbCAN meta server Last updated 8/8/18 INPUT CGCFinder accepts GFF3 format file. The Type column (3rd column) must contain gene annotations (either TC, TF, CAZyme, or CDS). RUNNING python [inputFile] -d [distance] -s [signature genes] -o [output] [inputFile] - GFF format file. [distance] - Maximum distance between signature genes. Integer value between 0 and 10. [signature genes] - Which gene types must be in a cluster for it to be considered a CGC. Accepted values: all (CAZyme+TC+TF), tp (CAZyme+TC), tf (CAZyme+TF). [output] - Output file, default = standard out. OUTPUT The output file is a tab seperated file with the following columns: [gene #] [signature gene type] [upstream distance] [downstream distance] [cluster #] [gene start] [gene end] [gene ID] [direction] [note] [gene #] - arbitrary number given to gene, starting with 1 given to the first gene in the input file [signature gene type] - The type of signature gene the gene is. [upstream distance] - The upstream distance to the next signature gene [downstream distance] - The downstream distance to the next signature gene [cluster #] - The number of the cluster that this gene belongs to [gene start] - start position of the gene [gene end] - end position of the gene [gene ID] - gene ID from the input file [direction] - (- or +) [note] - usually contains the ID of the gene that annotated this gene in a diamond blast Each cluster is seperated by a line that contains five '+' symbols (+++++) **NOTES** The GFF file format supported by CGCFinder is GFF3, with Column 9 attributes delimited by a semi-colon, ";" This is especially important in the case of recognizing the 'ID' attribute in Column 9 of GFF files Please convert/format GFF files to GFF3 format (if they are not already) and ensure semi-colon delimiting in Column 9 for optimal performance A more user friendly version of CGCFinder is avaliable at the dbCAN-meta server at