pHMM-Tree (c) Yin Lab (NIU) and Zhang Lab (NKU) 2016 citation: Please cite ( Huo et al. Bioinformatics 2017 if you used our tool Contents: I. Installation II. Input III. Running IV. Output V. Examples VI. FAQ ========================================================================= I. Installation Compiling pHMM-Tree follows the standard GNU installation process. pHMM-Tree requires a C++11 compliant compiler. The general process is that 'configure' should be run, then 'make', and then 'make install'. See INSTALL for further instructions. Example: tar zxf SOFTWARE.tar.gz cd pHMM-Tree #: change to installation folder sudo ./configure #: if you are a root/superuser ./configure --prefix=/some_path/ #: if you are not a root/superuser make make install NOTE: Please make sure that the needed programs have the executable permission and in the right path. Prerequisites: 1.HMMER 2.USEARCH Please rename the binary file to 'usearch' and set it to your PATH variable or just put the renamed binary file into the same folder of pHMM-Tree. mv ./some_path/usearch-xxx-xxxx ./usearch or sudo mv ./some_path/usearch-xxx-xxxx /usr/bin/usearch 3.MAFFT needed by '-uals' run style in both mode. 4.PRC needed by '-prc' mode. Please rename the program to 'prc' and put it into the same folder with the binary file of pHMM-Tree or set it to your PATH variable. mv ./some_path/prc-xxx-xxxx ./prc or sudo mv ./some_path/prc-xxx-xxxx /usr/bin/prc 5.hhsuite needed by '-hhms' mode. Please move all the excecutable files in the bin folder into the same folder with the binary file of pHMM-Tree or set it to your PATH variable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. Input pHMM-Tree supports different kinds of input: 1. Unaligned sequences (uals) The input file must be ended with '.fasta' in FASTA format, and contains at least 9 sequences. 2. Aligned sequences (als) There must be at least 3 input files each ended with '.fasta' in FASTA format. 3. Profile HMMs in HMMER format (hmms) There must be at least 3 input files each ended with '.hmm' in HMMER2.x or HMMER3.x format. 4. Proile HMMs in HHM format (hhms) There must be at least 3 input files each ended with '.hhm' in HHsuite format. See 5. Mixture of aligned sequences and profile HMMs: als + hmms (als_phmms) 6. Mixture of aligned sequences and profile HMMs: als + hhms (als_phhms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Running pHMM-Tree has several required arguments, in addition to some optional ones. ./Program_name