Ricinus communis in family GH51 thmm coord ali coord ID Family tlen qlen E-Value from to from to 29720.m000137 GH51 630 551 0.0000000051 137 510 91 478 29848.m004590 GH51 630 527 0.00031 237 319 172 255 29848.m004590 GH51 630 527 0.00031 404 496 354 431 30045.m000479 GH51 630 678 0 110 544 226 661 30138.m004015 GH51 630 539 0.00051 233 320 183 271 30138.m004015 GH51 630 539 0.00051 537 601 414 479 30174.m009142 GH51 630 596 0.0000005 208 326 180 288 30174.m009142 GH51 630 596 0.0000005 410 471 384 433 30190.m011292 GH51 630 521 0.00028 247 358 201 325