Physcomitrella patens in family GH36 thmm coord ali coord ID Family tlen qlen E-Value from to from to Pp1s5369_1V6.1 GH36 688 500 0.000022 265 324 144 202 Pp1s5369_1V6.1 GH36 688 500 0.000022 424 478 305 360 Pp1s80_41V6.1 GH36 688 629 0.0000000014 304 390 32 137 Pp1s2626_1V6.1 GH36 688 313 5.9e-19 309 412 5 113 Pp1s2626_1V6.1 GH36 688 313 5.9e-19 445 478 138 172 Pp1s1924_1V6.1 GH36 688 1047 0 18 593 467 1046 Pp1s19_295V6.1 GH36 688 457 1.4e-18 293 388 69 168 Pp1s19_295V6.1 GH36 688 457 1.4e-18 444 457 193 206 Pp1s10_132V6.1 GH36 688 874 0.000000000000013 281 354 292 366 Pp1s8_24V6.1 GH36 688 742 0.000000000000028 282 353 161 233 Pp1s8_24V6.1 GH36 688 742 0.000000000000028 429 463 351 385