Physcoitrella patens in family GT43 thmm coord ali coord ID Family tlen qlen E-Value from to from to Pp1s248_13V6.1 GT43 212 537 0 1 211 174 434 Pp1s78_128V6.1 GT43 212 395 3.39997e-41 1 211 48 308 Pp1s19_221V6.1 GT43 212 502 4.1e-39 1 210 202 449 Pp1s1_540V6.1 GT43 212 436 0 114 158 84 141 Pp1s1_540V6.1 GT43 212 436 0 1 211 195 403 Pp1s52_108V6.1 GT43 212 423 0 1 211 186 394