Ricinus communis in family GH79 thmm coord ali coord ID Family tlen qlen E-Value from to from to 27889.m000173 GH79 455 318 0.00048 88 223 78 218 29720.m000137 GH79 455 551 0 1 453 53 544 29724.m000832 GH79 455 440 0.00051 138 272 216 350 29848.m004590 GH79 455 527 0 1 454 29 516 29983.m003185 GH79 455 431 0.000032 133 221 199 294 30076.m004513 GH79 455 404 0.000047 133 271 194 327 30138.m004015 GH79 455 539 0 1 455 39 533 30174.m009142 GH79 455 596 0 1 455 45 525 30174.m009142 GH79 455 596 0 14 54 539 587 30174.m009143 GH79 455 206 0 128 180 1 48 30174.m009143 GH79 455 206 0 228 360 71 203