Ricinus communis in family GH94 thmm coord ali coord ID Family tlen qlen E-Value from to from to 29766.m000116 GH94 1036 663 0.00046 742 837 375 505 29836.m000583 GH94 1036 696 0.0021 741 838 423 555 29904.m002967 GH94 1036 968 0.000044 734 821 710 791 34035.m000014 GH94 1036 388 0.0000000000046 744 834 13 100 34035.m000014 GH94 1036 388 0.0000000000046 949 1027 199 291 47365.m000013 GH94 1036 228 7.5e-23 53 271 3 214