Selaginella moellendorffii in family GH63 thmm coord ali coord ID Family tlen qlen E-Value from to from to 177119 GH63 570 614 0.000000093 413 461 247 295 109304 GH63 570 558 0.000000071 411 461 188 239 109304 GH63 570 558 0.000000071 323 380 330 386 431872 GH63 570 755 0.052 284 345 186 247 431872 GH63 570 755 0.052 90 112 474 496 90006 GH63 570 550 0.0000000013 394 565 179 535 156751 GH63 570 595 0.000000091 411 461 225 276 156751 GH63 570 595 0.000000091 323 379 367 422 165919 GH63 570 854 2.5e-25 433 567 515 849 429777 GH63 570 641 0.011 284 346 119 181 407690 GH63 570 517 0.0038 439 516 103 173 437793 GH63 570 489 0 362 562 97 482 39810 GH63 570 55 0.0014 300 341 5 46