Volvox carteri in family GH32 thmm coord ali coord ID Family tlen qlen E-Value from to from to Vocar20008876m GH32 293 985 1.1e-18 58 281 65 375 Vocar20002729m GH32 293 437 0.0000000000074 76 110 53 100 Vocar20002729m GH32 293 437 0.0000000000074 40 90 87 136 Vocar20002729m GH32 293 437 0.0000000000074 24 152 249 399 Vocar20013968m GH32 293 1374 0 1 189 105 343 Vocar20013968m GH32 293 1374 0 186 292 832 941 Vocar20014198m GH32 293 1568 0 1 189 179 401 Vocar20014198m GH32 293 1568 0 207 292 1159 1292 Vocar20000959m GH32 293 587 1.6e-32 1 10 21 30 Vocar20000959m GH32 293 587 1.6e-32 103 284 128 327