Volvox carteri in family GH63 thmm coord ali coord ID Family tlen qlen E-Value from to from to Vocar20009518m GH63 570 934 1.1e-22 362 566 531 930 Vocar20006756m GH63 570 120 0.00051 297 341 48 92 Vocar20013121m GH63 570 575 0.17 231 324 223 317 Vocar20007025m GH63 570 789 0.00000021 361 386 328 353 Vocar20007025m GH63 570 789 0.00000021 490 528 633 671 Vocar20003462m GH63 570 493 0.0000000074 397 567 85 483