Week | Date | Topic | Material Download/Reading |
Week 1 | 8/26 | Course overview |
Origin of Bioinformatics
The roots of Bioinformatics
Computational Biologists: The Next Pharma Scientists?
An Explosion Of Bioinformatics Careers
Bioinformatics: alive and kicking |
| 8/28 | Basic molecular biology and overview of major bioinformatics web resources |
EBI 2Can
Nucleic Acids Research Annual Database Issue
Nucleic Acids Research Annual WebServer Issue
OBRC: Online Bioinformatics Resources Collection
Oxford LibGuides Bioinformatics Databases & Web Resources
UHK Bioinformatics Resources on the Web
CCHMC Bioinformatics Resources
Week 2 | 9/2 | NCBI resources I: databases and Entrez |
NCBI mcbios workshop
NCBI web resource tutorials
NCBI discovery workshops
NCBI Help Manual
example gene list
plant species list |
| 9/4 | NCBI resources II: web-based BLAST |
NCBI discovery workshops
NCBI tutorial on Youtube
example mRNA file
example protein file
Week 3 | 9/9 | NCBI resources III: GEO and expression data analysis |
GEO Handout
GEO NAR paper
| 9/11 | EBI resources I: UniProt and GO |
EBI online training courses
example id file
example protein file
Week 4 | 9/16 | EBI resources II: Ensembl and InterPro, scop, superfamily |
InterPro training
Ensembl tutorials
Ensembl introduction
| 9/18 | EBI resources III: tools at EBI, ExPASy and DTU |
ExPASy NAR paper
FASTA guide
example protein file
example nucleotide file
example alignment file
example boxshade file
Week 5 | 9/23 | JGI resources: genomes, metagenomes, GOLD |
JGI Strategic vision
GOLD database paper
JGI's genome portal and fungal genome database paper
plant genome database (phytozome) paper
fungal genome database paper
IMG/M metagenome info table |
| 9/25 | Popular bioinformatics tools in Galaxy I |
Galaxy 101
Galaxy GB paper
Galaxy CPMB 2010 paper
Galaxy CPB 2012 paper
Week 6 | 9/30 | Popular bioinformatics tools in Galaxy II |
delimited data
grouping data
interval data
| 10/2 | Popular bioinformatics tools in Galaxy III |
fastq 1
fastq 2
NGS using Galaxy @ UCR
How newbler works
454 read assembly |
Week 7 | 10/7 | Phylogeny and visualization: MEGA |
Molecular evolution and phylogenetic analysis
Phylogeny for the faint of heart: a tutorial
A step by step guide to phylogeny reconstruction
Multiple sequence alignment accuracy and phylogenetic inference
| 10/9 | Phylogeny and visualization: iTOL |
example color definition file
example domain definition file
newick format
Week 8 | 10/14 | Go over project 1 |
Project 1
| 10/16 | Go over project 1 |
Project 1
Week 9 | 10/21 | Linux introduction and command line basics I: files and folders |
youtube install ubuntu
Unix chapter
| 10/23 | Linux command line basics I: files and folders |
SIB Unix course
EMBL Unix guide
quick guide
quick guide
cheat sheet
cheat sheet
Week 10 | 10/28 | Linux command line basics II: downloading and controlling files |
command line examples 1
command line examples 2
| 10/30 | Linux command line basics II: downloading and controlling files |
Useful Shell commands
sed example
awk example
Shell one liner example
Week 11 | 11/4 | Linux command line basics III: piping commands for text processing |
| 11/6 | Linux command line basics III: piping commands for text processing |
Week 12 | 11/11 | Install bioinformatics softwares on Linux |
environment variable
environment variable
| 11/13 | Run bioinformatics softwares on Linux |
BLAST command line user manual
emboss command line training
Week 13 | 11/18 | Go over project 2 |
Project 2
| 11/20 | Go over project 2 |
Project 2
Study guide for the final exam
Week 14 | 11/25 | Holiday week |
| 11/27 | Holiday week |
Week 15 | 12/2 | Catch up time: finish projects |
Project 2
Study guide for the final exam
Unix one-liners for project 2
Venn diagram |
| 12/4 | Catch up time: finish projects |
Project 2
Study guide for the final exam
Week 16 | 12/9 | Final Exam |