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CAZyme Information: MGYG000000226_01180

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Basic Information help

Species Lactococcus lactis
Lineage Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Lactobacillales; Streptococcaceae; Lactococcus; Lactococcus lactis
CAZyme ID MGYG000000226_01180
CAZy Family CE4
CAZyme Description Poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine N-deacetylase
CAZyme Property
Protein Length CGC Molecular Weight Isoelectric Point
297 MGYG000000226_3|CGC5 34296.56 8.5929
Genome Property
Genome Assembly ID Genome Size Genome Type Country Continent
MGYG000000226 2362991 Isolate China Asia
Gene Location Start: 232776;  End: 233669  Strand: -

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Enzyme Prediction      help

No EC number prediction in MGYG000000226_01180.

CAZyme Signature Domains help

Family Start End Evalue family coverage
CE4 122 255 9.5e-19 0.8846153846153846

CDD Domains      download full data without filtering help

Cdd ID Domain E-Value qStart qEnd sStart sEnd Domain Description
cd10965 CE4_IcaB_5s 2.89e-88 121 291 1 172
Putative catalytic polysaccharide deacetylase domain of bacterial intercellular adhesion protein IcaB and similar proteins. The family is represented by the surface-attached protein intercellular adhesion protein IcaB (Poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine N-deacetylase, EC 3.5.1.-), encoded by Staphylococcus epidermidis icaB gene from the icaABC gene cluster that is involved in the synthesis of polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA), which is located mainly on the cell surface. IcaB is a secreted, cell wall-associated protein that plays a crucial role in exopolysaccharide modification in bacterial biofilm formation. It catalyzes the N-deacetylation of poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (PNAG, also referred to as PIA), a biofilm adhesin polysaccharide. IcaB shows high homology to the N-terminal NodB homology domain of Escherichia coli PgaB. At this point, they are classified in the same family.
cd10918 CE4_NodB_like_5s_6s 2.36e-37 124 282 1 157
Putative catalytic NodB homology domain of PgaB, IcaB, and similar proteins which consist of a deformed (beta/alpha)8 barrel fold with 5- or 6-strands. This family belongs to the large and functionally diverse carbohydrate esterase 4 (CE4) superfamily, whose members show strong sequence similarity with some variability due to their distinct carbohydrate substrates. It includes bacterial poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine N-deacetylase PgaB, hemin storage system HmsF protein in gram-negative species, intercellular adhesion proteins IcaB, and many uncharacterized prokaryotic polysaccharide deacetylases. It also includes a putative polysaccharide deacetylase YxkH encoded by the Bacillus subtilis yxkH gene, which is one of six polysaccharide deacetylase gene homologs present in the Bacillus subtilis genome. Sequence comparison shows all family members contain a conserved domain similar to the catalytic NodB homology domain of rhizobial NodB-like proteins, which consists of a deformed (beta/alpha)8 barrel fold with 6 or 7 strands. However, in this family, most proteins have 5 strands and some have 6 strands. Moreover, long insertions are found in many family members, whose function remains unknown.
cd10973 CE4_DAC_u4_5s 3.46e-28 123 282 1 156
Putative catalytic NodB homology domain of uncharacterized bacterial polysaccharide deacetylases which consist of a 5-stranded beta/alpha barrel. This family contains many uncharacterized bacterial polysaccharide deacetylases. Although their biological functions remain unknown, all members of the family are predicted to contain a conserved domain with a 5-stranded beta/alpha barrel, which is similar to the catalytic NodB homology domain of rhizobial NodB-like proteins, belonging to the larger carbohydrate esterase 4 (CE4) superfamily.
cd10969 CE4_Ecf1_like_5s 4.67e-28 91 288 4 211
Putative catalytic NodB homology domain of a hypothetical protein Ecf1 from Escherichia coli and similar proteins. This family contains a hypothetical protein Ecf1 from Escherichia coli and its prokaryotic homologs. Although their biochemical properties remain to be determined, members in this family contain a conserved domain with a 5-stranded beta/alpha barrel, which is similar to the catalytic NodB homology domain of rhizobial NodB-like proteins, belonging to the larger carbohydrate esterase 4 (CE4) superfamily.
pfam01522 Polysacc_deac_1 1.43e-24 117 257 1 124
Polysaccharide deacetylase. This domain is found in polysaccharide deacetylase. This family of polysaccharide deacetylases includes NodB (nodulation protein B from Rhizobium) which is a chitooligosaccharide deacetylase. It also includes chitin deacetylase from yeast, and endoxylanases which hydrolyzes glucosidic bonds in xylan.

CAZyme Hits      help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End
AIS03225.1 4.23e-214 1 297 1 297
ARD98333.1 1.72e-213 1 297 1 297
QSD59788.1 1.72e-213 1 297 1 297
QTP12614.1 1.72e-213 1 297 1 297
ARE10481.1 1.72e-213 1 297 1 297

PDB Hits      download full data without filtering help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
4WCJ_A 1.39e-33 52 290 35 259
Structureof IcaB from Ammonifex degensii [Ammonifex degensii KC4]
6DQ3_A 7.50e-07 91 272 37 202
ChainA, Polysaccharide deacetylase [Streptococcus pyogenes],6DQ3_B Chain B, Polysaccharide deacetylase [Streptococcus pyogenes]

Swiss-Prot Hits      download full data without filtering help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
Q6G606 6.31e-35 1 290 1 283
Poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine N-deacetylase OS=Staphylococcus aureus (strain MSSA476) OX=282459 GN=icaB PE=3 SV=1
Q8NUI6 6.31e-35 1 290 1 283
Poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine N-deacetylase OS=Staphylococcus aureus (strain MW2) OX=196620 GN=icaB PE=3 SV=1
Q9RQP7 6.31e-35 1 290 1 283
Poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine N-deacetylase OS=Staphylococcus aureus (strain NCTC 8325 / PS 47) OX=93061 GN=icaB PE=3 SV=2
Q5HCM9 6.60e-35 1 290 1 283
Poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine N-deacetylase OS=Staphylococcus aureus (strain COL) OX=93062 GN=icaB PE=3 SV=1
Q7A349 8.83e-35 41 290 32 283
Poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine N-deacetylase OS=Staphylococcus aureus (strain N315) OX=158879 GN=icaB PE=3 SV=1

SignalP and Lipop Annotations help

This protein is predicted as OTHER

0.783349 0.192456 0.021043 0.000649 0.000382 0.002134

TMHMM  Annotations      download full data without filtering help

start end
7 24