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CAZyme Information: MGYG000001698_01365

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Basic Information | Genomic context | Full Sequence | Enzyme annotations |  CAZy signature domains |  CDD domains | CAZyme hits | PDB hits | Swiss-Prot hits | SignalP and Lipop annotations | TMHMM annotations

Basic Information help

Species Marvinbryantia formatexigens
Lineage Bacteria; Firmicutes_A; Clostridia; Lachnospirales; Lachnospiraceae; Marvinbryantia; Marvinbryantia formatexigens
CAZyme ID MGYG000001698_01365
CAZy Family GH2
CAZyme Description Beta-glucuronidase
CAZyme Property
Protein Length CGC Molecular Weight Isoelectric Point
595 MGYG000001698_5|CGC7 66749.47 5.442
Genome Property
Genome Assembly ID Genome Size Genome Type Country Continent
MGYG000001698 4516105 Isolate United States North America
Gene Location Start: 180031;  End: 181818  Strand: +

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Enzyme Prediction      help

No EC number prediction in MGYG000001698_01365.

CAZyme Signature Domains help

Family Start End Evalue family coverage
GH2 11 591 1.4e-106 0.6077127659574468

CDD Domains      download full data without filtering help

Cdd ID Domain E-Value qStart qEnd sStart sEnd Domain Description
PRK10150 PRK10150 0.0 1 593 1 593
beta-D-glucuronidase; Provisional
COG3250 LacZ 3.32e-114 1 593 1 596
Beta-galactosidase/beta-glucuronidase [Carbohydrate transport and metabolism].
pfam02836 Glyco_hydro_2_C 1.52e-84 280 594 1 299
Glycosyl hydrolases family 2, TIM barrel domain. This family contains beta-galactosidase, beta-mannosidase and beta-glucuronidase activities.
PRK10340 ebgA 1.08e-51 69 451 112 476
cryptic beta-D-galactosidase subunit alpha; Reviewed
PRK09525 lacZ 3.72e-44 15 415 55 462

CAZyme Hits      help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End
QOV20331.1 0.0 1 595 1 591
AWY98908.1 0.0 1 595 1 593
QKS55214.1 3.36e-210 1 593 1 590
AOH53487.1 7.48e-208 1 595 1 587
ASR49235.1 1.05e-206 1 595 1 591

PDB Hits      download full data without filtering help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
4JKM_A 5.77e-203 1 595 4 595
CrystalStructure of Clostridium perfringens beta-glucuronidase [Clostridium perfringens str. 13],4JKM_B Crystal Structure of Clostridium perfringens beta-glucuronidase [Clostridium perfringens str. 13],6CXS_A Crystal Structure of Clostridium perfringens beta-glucuronidase bound with a novel, potent inhibitor 4-(8-(piperazin-1-yl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-[1,2,3]triazino[4',5':4,5]thieno[2,3-c]isoquinolin-5-yl)morpholine [Clostridium perfringens str. 13],6CXS_B Crystal Structure of Clostridium perfringens beta-glucuronidase bound with a novel, potent inhibitor 4-(8-(piperazin-1-yl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-[1,2,3]triazino[4',5':4,5]thieno[2,3-c]isoquinolin-5-yl)morpholine [Clostridium perfringens str. 13]
6BO6_A 3.34e-178 1 593 1 601
Eubacteriumeligens beta-glucuronidase bound to UNC4917 glucuronic acid conjugate [[Eubacterium] eligens ATCC 27750]
6D4O_A 5.21e-178 1 593 4 604
Eubacteriumeligens beta-glucuronidase bound to an amoxapine-glucuronide conjugate [Lachnospira eligens]
6BJQ_A 7.07e-178 1 593 25 625
ChainA, Glycoside Hydrolase Family 2 candidate b-glucuronidase [[Eubacterium] eligens ATCC 27750]
6BJW_A 7.30e-178 1 593 25 625
ChainA, Glycoside Hydrolase Family 2 candidate b-glucuronidase [[Eubacterium] eligens ATCC 27750]

Swiss-Prot Hits      download full data without filtering help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
P05804 2.37e-142 1 593 1 589
Beta-glucuronidase OS=Escherichia coli (strain K12) OX=83333 GN=uidA PE=1 SV=2
O97524 7.12e-139 1 595 27 628
Beta-glucuronidase OS=Felis catus OX=9685 GN=GUSB PE=1 SV=1
O18835 1.56e-134 1 595 27 628
Beta-glucuronidase OS=Canis lupus familiaris OX=9615 GN=GUSB PE=1 SV=1
Q4FAT7 3.19e-134 1 595 28 629
Beta-glucuronidase OS=Sus scrofa OX=9823 GN=GUSB PE=3 SV=1
O77695 1.59e-133 1 595 24 626
Beta-glucuronidase (Fragment) OS=Chlorocebus aethiops OX=9534 GN=GUSB PE=2 SV=1

SignalP and Lipop Annotations help

This protein is predicted as OTHER

1.000080 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

TMHMM  Annotations      help

There is no transmembrane helices in MGYG000001698_01365.