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CAZyme Information: MGYG000001698_03430

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Basic Information | Genomic context | Full Sequence | Enzyme annotations |  CAZy signature domains |  CDD domains | CAZyme hits | PDB hits | Swiss-Prot hits | SignalP and Lipop annotations | TMHMM annotations

Basic Information help

Species Marvinbryantia formatexigens
Lineage Bacteria; Firmicutes_A; Clostridia; Lachnospirales; Lachnospiraceae; Marvinbryantia; Marvinbryantia formatexigens
CAZyme ID MGYG000001698_03430
CAZy Family CBM67
CAZyme Description hypothetical protein
CAZyme Property
Protein Length CGC Molecular Weight Isoelectric Point
728 MGYG000001698_22|CGC1 84504.61 4.8267
Genome Property
Genome Assembly ID Genome Size Genome Type Country Continent
MGYG000001698 4516105 Isolate United States North America
Gene Location Start: 65163;  End: 67349  Strand: +

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Enzyme Prediction      help

No EC number prediction in MGYG000001698_03430.

CAZyme Signature Domains help

Family Start End Evalue family coverage
GH78 219 701 1.7e-89 0.9146825396825397
CBM67 33 190 1.3e-34 0.8636363636363636

CDD Domains      download full data without filtering help

Cdd ID Domain E-Value qStart qEnd sStart sEnd Domain Description
pfam17389 Bac_rhamnosid6H 1.43e-32 345 677 10 340
Bacterial alpha-L-rhamnosidase 6 hairpin glycosidase domain. This family consists of bacterial rhamnosidase A and B enzymes. L-Rhamnose is abundant in biomass as a common constituent of glycolipids and glycosides, such as plant pigments, pectic polysaccharides, gums or biosurfactants. Some rhamnosides are important bioactive compounds. For example, terpenyl glycosides, the glycosidic precursor of aromatic terpenoids, act as important flavouring substances in grapes. Other rhamnosides act as cytotoxic rhamnosylated terpenoids, as signal substances in plants or play a role in the antigenicity of pathogenic bacteria.
pfam05592 Bac_rhamnosid 1.20e-06 219 299 2 84
Bacterial alpha-L-rhamnosidase concanavalin-like domain. This family consists of bacterial rhamnosidase A and B enzymes. L-Rhamnose is abundant in biomass as a common constituent of glycolipids and glycosides, such as plant pigments, pectic polysaccharides, gums or biosurfactants. Some rhamnosides are important bioactive compounds. For example, terpenyl glycosides, the glycosidic precursor of aromatic terpenoids, act as important flavouring substances in grapes. Other rhamnosides act as cytotoxic rhamnosylated terpenoids, as signal substances in plants or play a role in the antigenicity of pathogenic bacteria.
pfam06202 GDE_C 0.002 443 564 97 221
Amylo-alpha-1,6-glucosidase. This family includes human glycogen branching enzyme AGL. This enzyme contains a number of distinct catalytic activities. It has been shown for the yeast homolog GDB1 that mutations in this region disrupt the enzymes Amylo-alpha-1,6-glucosidase (EC:

CAZyme Hits      help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End
QBE96895.1 1.69e-301 3 725 8 709
QMW79864.1 4.51e-299 3 725 8 709
QIB57357.1 4.51e-299 3 725 8 709
QQQ94267.1 6.09e-292 3 724 8 709
ANU76688.1 6.09e-292 3 724 8 709

PDB Hits      download full data without filtering help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
6I60_A 7.42e-18 40 701 180 858
Structureof alpha-L-rhamnosidase from Dictyoglumus thermophilum [Dictyoglomus thermophilum H-6-12],6I60_B Structure of alpha-L-rhamnosidase from Dictyoglumus thermophilum [Dictyoglomus thermophilum H-6-12]
2OKX_A 7.56e-08 54 198 42 187
Crystalstructure of GH78 family rhamnosidase of Bacillus SP. GL1 AT 1.9 A [Bacillus sp. GL1],2OKX_B Crystal structure of GH78 family rhamnosidase of Bacillus SP. GL1 AT 1.9 A [Bacillus sp. GL1]

Swiss-Prot Hits      download full data without filtering help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
T2KM26 9.97e-29 171 682 557 1077
Bifunctional sulfatase/alpha-L-rhamnosidase OS=Formosa agariphila (strain DSM 15362 / KCTC 12365 / LMG 23005 / KMM 3901 / M-2Alg 35-1) OX=1347342 GN=BN863_22250 PE=1 SV=2
P9WF03 2.97e-09 40 696 174 833
Alpha-L-rhamnosidase OS=Alteromonas sp. (strain LOR) OX=1537994 GN=LOR_34 PE=1 SV=1

SignalP and Lipop Annotations help

This protein is predicted as OTHER

1.000098 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

TMHMM  Annotations      help

There is no transmembrane helices in MGYG000001698_03430.