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CAZyme Information: MGYG000001809_01065

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Basic Information | Genomic context | Full Sequence | Enzyme annotations |  CAZy signature domains |  CDD domains | CAZyme hits | PDB hits | Swiss-Prot hits | SignalP and Lipop annotations | TMHMM annotations

Basic Information help

Lineage Bacteria; Firmicutes_A; Clostridia; Lachnospirales; Lachnospiraceae; Eisenbergiella;
CAZyme ID MGYG000001809_01065
CAZy Family GH95
CAZyme Description hypothetical protein
CAZyme Property
Protein Length CGC Molecular Weight Isoelectric Point
765 MGYG000001809_13|CGC2 87401.53 5.1725
Genome Property
Genome Assembly ID Genome Size Genome Type Country Continent
MGYG000001809 3938122 MAG Denmark Europe
Gene Location Start: 49037;  End: 51334  Strand: -

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Enzyme Prediction      help


CAZyme Signature Domains help

Family Start End Evalue family coverage
GH95 5 724 1.5e-227 0.9709141274238227

CDD Domains      download full data without filtering help

Cdd ID Domain E-Value qStart qEnd sStart sEnd Domain Description
pfam14498 Glyco_hyd_65N_2 4.51e-48 10 267 4 230
Glycosyl hydrolase family 65, N-terminal domain. This domain represents a domain found to the N-terminus of the glycosyl hydrolase 65 family catalytic domain.

CAZyme Hits      help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End
ADQ45470.1 5.55e-275 1 762 1 779
ASA24033.1 6.50e-196 10 759 12 757
QNF30958.1 4.62e-192 13 717 8 708
AZT89836.1 7.63e-192 16 718 20 719
ANS74516.1 9.99e-190 10 723 13 722

PDB Hits      download full data without filtering help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
2RDY_A 9.48e-139 13 761 11 787
ChainA, BH0842 protein [Halalkalibacterium halodurans C-125],2RDY_B Chain B, BH0842 protein [Halalkalibacterium halodurans C-125]
4UFC_A 2.52e-137 11 718 28 732
Crystalstructure of the GH95 enzyme BACOVA_03438 [Bacteroides ovatus],4UFC_B Crystal structure of the GH95 enzyme BACOVA_03438 [Bacteroides ovatus]
7KMQ_A 5.59e-127 10 724 46 754
ChainA, Glyco_hyd_65N_2 domain-containing protein [Xanthomonas citri pv. citri str. 306],7KMQ_B Chain B, Glyco_hyd_65N_2 domain-containing protein [Xanthomonas citri pv. citri str. 306]
2EAB_A 3.64e-58 15 725 46 847
Crystalstructure of 1,2-a-L-fucosidase from Bifidobacterium bifidum (apo form) [Bifidobacterium bifidum],2EAB_B Crystal structure of 1,2-a-L-fucosidase from Bifidobacterium bifidum (apo form) [Bifidobacterium bifidum],2EAC_A Crystal structure of 1,2-a-L-fucosidase from Bifidobacterium bifidum in complex with deoxyfuconojirimycin [Bifidobacterium bifidum],2EAC_B Crystal structure of 1,2-a-L-fucosidase from Bifidobacterium bifidum in complex with deoxyfuconojirimycin [Bifidobacterium bifidum]
2EAD_A 2.27e-57 15 725 46 847
ChainA, Alpha-fucosidase [Bifidobacterium bifidum],2EAD_B Chain B, Alpha-fucosidase [Bifidobacterium bifidum]

Swiss-Prot Hits      download full data without filtering help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
Q8L7W8 3.16e-109 16 729 63 816
Alpha-L-fucosidase 2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana OX=3702 GN=FUC95A PE=1 SV=1
A2R797 1.85e-60 19 709 38 758
Probable alpha-fucosidase A OS=Aspergillus niger (strain CBS 513.88 / FGSC A1513) OX=425011 GN=afcA PE=3 SV=1
Q5AU81 2.30e-47 22 707 46 775
Alpha-fucosidase A OS=Emericella nidulans (strain FGSC A4 / ATCC 38163 / CBS 112.46 / NRRL 194 / M139) OX=227321 GN=afcA PE=1 SV=1
Q2USL3 2.07e-39 13 735 23 723
Probable alpha-fucosidase A OS=Aspergillus oryzae (strain ATCC 42149 / RIB 40) OX=510516 GN=afcA PE=3 SV=2

SignalP and Lipop Annotations help

This protein is predicted as OTHER

1.000040 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

TMHMM  Annotations      help

There is no transmembrane helices in MGYG000001809_01065.