Possible enoyl reductase. Member identified as possible enoyl reductase of the MDR family. 2-enoyl thioester reductase (ETR) catalyzes the NADPH-dependent dependent conversion of trans-2-enoyl acyl carrier protein/coenzyme A (ACP/CoA) to acyl-(ACP/CoA) in fatty acid synthesis. 2-enoyl thioester reductase activity has been linked in Candida tropicalis as essential in maintaining mitiochondrial respiratory function. This ETR family is a part of the medium chain dehydrogenase/reductase family, but lack the zinc coordination sites characteristic of the alcohol dehydrogenases in this family. NAD(P)(H)-dependent oxidoreductases are the major enzymes in the interconversion of alcohols and aldehydes, or ketones. Alcohol dehydrogenase in the liver converts ethanol and NAD+ to acetaldehyde and NADH, while in yeast and some other microorganisms ADH catalyzes the conversion acetaldehyde to ethanol in alcoholic fermentation. ADH is a member of the medium chain alcohol dehydrogenase family (MDR), which has a NAD(P)(H)-binding domain in a Rossmann fold of a beta-alpha form. The NAD(H)-binding region is comprised of 2 structurally similar halves, each of which contacts a mononucleotide. The N-terminal catalytic domain has a distant homology to GroES. These proteins typically form dimers (typically higher plants, mammals) or tetramers (yeast, bacteria), and have 2 tightly bound zinc atoms per subunit, a catalytic zinc at the active site, and a structural zinc in a lobe of the catalytic domain. NAD(H) binding occurs in the cleft between the catalytic and coenzyme-binding domains at the active site, and coenzyme binding induces a conformational closing of this cleft. Coenzyme binding typically precedes and contributes to substrate binding. Candida tropicalis enoyl thioester reductase (Etr1p) catalyzes the NADPH-dependent reduction of trans-2-enoyl thioesters in mitochondrial fatty acid synthesis. Etr1p forms homodimers, with each subunit containing a nucleotide-binding Rossmann fold domain and a catalytic domain.