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CAZyme Information: MGYG000002717_02407

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Lineage Bacteria; Bacteroidota; Bacteroidia; Bacteroidales; Bacteroidaceae; Bacteroides;
CAZyme ID MGYG000002717_02407
CAZy Family GH43
CAZyme Description Extracellular exo-alpha-(1->5)-L-arabinofuranosidase ArbA
CAZyme Property
Protein Length CGC Molecular Weight Isoelectric Point
342 MGYG000002717_252|CGC1 37982.61 5.0759
Genome Property
Genome Assembly ID Genome Size Genome Type Country Continent
MGYG000002717 5602088 MAG Canada North America
Gene Location Start: 4980;  End: 6008  Strand: +

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Enzyme Prediction      help

No EC number prediction in MGYG000002717_02407.

CAZyme Signature Domains help

Family Start End Evalue family coverage
GH43 33 325 1.7e-100 0.9966555183946488

CDD Domains      download full data without filtering help

Cdd ID Domain E-Value qStart qEnd sStart sEnd Domain Description
cd18616 GH43_ABN-like 3.52e-138 35 320 1 291
Glycosyl hydrolase family 43 such as arabinan endo-1 5-alpha-L-arabinosidase. This glycosyl hydrolase family 43 (GH43) subgroup includes mostly enzymes with endo-alpha-L-arabinanase (ABN; EC activity. These are inverting enzymes (i.e. they invert the stereochemistry of the anomeric carbon atom of the substrate) that have an aspartate as the catalytic general base, a glutamate as the catalytic general acid and another aspartate that is responsible for pKa modulation and orienting the catalytic acid. The GH43 ABN enzymes hydrolyze alpha-1,5-L-arabinofuranoside linkages. These arabinan-degrading enzymes are important in the food industry for efficient production of L-arabinose from agricultural waste; L-arabinose is often used as a bioactive sweetener. A common structural feature of GH43 enzymes is a 5-bladed beta-propeller domain that contains the catalytic acid and catalytic base. A long V-shaped groove, partially enclosed at one end, forms a single extended substrate-binding surface across the face of the propeller.
cd08998 GH43_Arb43a-like 8.81e-81 44 321 3 278
Glycosyl hydrolase family 43 protein such as Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168 endo-alpha-1,5-L-arabinanase Arb43A. This glycosyl hydrolase family 43 (GH43) subgroup belongs to the glycosyl hydrolase clan F (according to carbohydrate-active enzymes database (CAZY)) which includes family 43 (GH43) and 62 (GH62) families. GH43 are inverting enzymes (i.e. they invert the stereochemistry of the anomeric carbon atom of the substrate) that have an aspartate as the catalytic general base, a glutamate as the catalytic general acid and another aspartate that is responsible for pKa modulation and orienting the catalytic acid. The GH43 ABN enzymes hydrolyze alpha-1,5-L-arabinofuranoside linkages while the ABF enzymes cleave arabinose side chains so that the combined actions of these two enzymes reduce arabinan to L-arabinose and/or arabinooligosaccharides. Many of these enzymes such as the Bacillus subtilis arabinanase Abn2, that hydrolyzes sugar beet arabinan (branched), linear alpha-1,5-L-arabinan and pectin, are different from other arabinases; they are organized into two different domains with a divalent metal cluster close to the catalytic residues to guarantee the correct protonation state of the catalytic residues and consequently the enzyme activity. These arabinan-degrading enzymes are important in the food industry for efficient production of L-arabinose from agricultural waste; L-arabinose is often used as a bioactive sweetener. A common structural feature of GH43 enzymes is a 5-bladed beta-propeller domain that contains the catalytic acid and catalytic base. A long V-shaped groove, partially enclosed at one end, forms a single extended substrate-binding surface across the face of the propeller.
cd08988 GH43_ABN 5.34e-68 44 320 2 277
Glycosyl hydrolase family 43. This glycosyl hydrolase family 43 (GH43) subgroup includes mostly enzymes with alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase (ABF; EC and endo-alpha-L-arabinanase (ABN; EC activities. These are inverting enzymes (i.e. they invert the stereochemistry of the anomeric carbon atom of the substrate) that have an aspartate as the catalytic general base, a glutamate as the catalytic general acid and another aspartate that is responsible for pKa modulation and orienting the catalytic acid. The GH43 ABN enzymes hydrolyze alpha-1,5-L-arabinofuranoside linkages while the ABF enzymes cleave arabinose side chains so that the combined actions of these two enzymes reduce arabinan to L-arabinose and/or arabinooligosaccharides. These arabinan-degrading enzymes are important in the food industry for efficient production of L-arabinose from agricultural waste; L-arabinose is often used as a bioactive sweetener. A common structural feature of GH43 enzymes is a 5-bladed beta-propeller domain that contains the catalytic acid and catalytic base. A long V-shaped groove, partially enclosed at one end, forms a single extended substrate-binding surface across the face of the propeller.
pfam04616 Glyco_hydro_43 6.62e-62 33 325 1 281
Glycosyl hydrolases family 43. The glycosyl hydrolase family 43 contains members that are arabinanases. Arabinanases hydrolyze the alpha-1,5-linked L-arabinofuranoside backbone of plant cell wall arabinans. The structure of arabinanase Arb43A from Cellvibrio japonicus reveals a five-bladed beta-propeller fold. A long V-shaped groove, partially enclosed at one end, forms a single extended substrate-binding surface across the face of the propeller.
cd18830 GH43_CjArb43A-like 1.35e-61 42 321 1 291
Glycosyl hydrolase family 43 protein such as Cellvibrio japonicus Ueda107 endo-alpha-1,5-L-arabinanase / exo-alpha-1,5-L-arabinanase 43A (ArbA;CJA_0805) (Arb43A). This glycosyl hydrolase family 43 (GH43) subgroup includes mostly enzymes annotated with alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase (ABF; EC and endo-alpha-L-arabinanase (ABN; EC activities, and includes the bifunctional Cellvibrio japonicus Ueda107 endo-alpha-1,5-L-arabinanase / exo-alpha-1,5-L-arabinanase 43A (ArbA;CJA_0805) (Arb43A). It belongs to the glycosyl hydrolase clan F (according to carbohydrate-active enzymes database (CAZY)) which includes family 43 (GH43) and 62 (GH62) families. GH43 are inverting enzymes (i.e. they invert the stereochemistry of the anomeric carbon atom of the substrate) that have an aspartate as the catalytic general base, a glutamate as the catalytic general acid and another aspartate that is responsible for pKa modulation and orienting the catalytic acid. The GH43 ABN enzymes hydrolyze alpha-1,5-L-arabinofuranoside linkages while the ABF enzymes cleave arabinose side chains so that the combined actions of these two enzymes reduce arabinan to L-arabinose and/or arabinooligosaccharides. Many of these enzymes such as the Bacillus subtilis arabinanase Abn2, that hydrolyzes sugar beet arabinan (branched), linear alpha-1,5-L-arabinan and pectin, are different from other arabinases; they are organized into two different domains with a divalent metal cluster close to the catalytic residues to guarantee the correct protonation state of the catalytic residues and consequently the enzyme activity. These arabinan-degrading enzymes are important in the food industry for efficient production of L-arabinose from agricultural waste; L-arabinose is often used as a bioactive sweetener. A common structural feature of GH43 enzymes is a 5-bladed beta-propeller domain that contains the catalytic acid and catalytic base. A long V-shaped groove, partially enclosed at one end, forms a single extended substrate-binding surface across the face of the propeller.

CAZyme Hits      help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End
QDO68152.1 5.37e-249 1 342 1 343
QUT89096.1 8.18e-244 1 342 1 343
ALJ59879.1 8.18e-244 1 342 1 343
QIA07413.1 1.74e-115 4 340 2 337
AHW60264.1 8.68e-113 1 340 1 336

PDB Hits      download full data without filtering help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
1GYD_B 1.95e-44 42 327 4 301
Structureof Cellvibrio cellulosa alpha-L-arabinanase [Cellvibrio japonicus]
1GYH_A 3.15e-43 42 327 7 304
Structureof D158A Cellvibrio cellulosa alpha-L-arabinanase mutant [Cellvibrio japonicus],1GYH_B Structure of D158A Cellvibrio cellulosa alpha-L-arabinanase mutant [Cellvibrio japonicus],1GYH_C Structure of D158A Cellvibrio cellulosa alpha-L-arabinanase mutant [Cellvibrio japonicus],1GYH_D Structure of D158A Cellvibrio cellulosa alpha-L-arabinanase mutant [Cellvibrio japonicus],1GYH_E Structure of D158A Cellvibrio cellulosa alpha-L-arabinanase mutant [Cellvibrio japonicus],1GYH_F Structure of D158A Cellvibrio cellulosa alpha-L-arabinanase mutant [Cellvibrio japonicus]
1GYE_B 4.36e-42 42 327 5 302
Structureof Cellvibrio cellulosa alpha-L-arabinanase complexed with Arabinohexaose [Cellvibrio japonicus]
1WL7_A 9.37e-39 44 327 26 312
Structureof the thermostable arabinanase [Geobacillus thermodenitrificans]
3CU9_A 1.92e-38 44 327 26 312
Highresolution crystal structure of 1,5-alpha-L-arabinanase from Geobacillus Stearothermophilus [Geobacillus stearothermophilus]

Swiss-Prot Hits      download full data without filtering help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
P95470 1.64e-43 42 327 36 333
Extracellular exo-alpha-(1->5)-L-arabinofuranosidase ArbA OS=Cellvibrio japonicus (strain Ueda107) OX=498211 GN=arbA PE=1 SV=1
Q93HT9 5.25e-38 44 327 27 313
Intracellular endo-alpha-(1->5)-L-arabinanase OS=Geobacillus thermodenitrificans OX=33940 GN=abn-ts PE=1 SV=1
B3EYM8 1.07e-37 44 327 27 313
Intracellular endo-alpha-(1->5)-L-arabinanase OS=Geobacillus stearothermophilus OX=1422 GN=abnB PE=1 SV=1
P94522 7.56e-34 44 325 44 321
Extracellular endo-alpha-(1->5)-L-arabinanase 1 OS=Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) OX=224308 GN=abnA PE=1 SV=3
Q2U8C6 1.42e-29 41 303 31 293
Probable arabinan endo-1,5-alpha-L-arabinosidase A OS=Aspergillus oryzae (strain ATCC 42149 / RIB 40) OX=510516 GN=abnA PE=3 SV=1

SignalP and Lipop Annotations help

This protein is predicted as LIPO

0.000002 0.000652 0.999416 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

TMHMM  Annotations      help

There is no transmembrane helices in MGYG000002717_02407.