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CAZyme Information: MGYG000004788_02104

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Basic Information | Genomic context | Full Sequence | Enzyme annotations |  CAZy signature domains |  CDD domains | CAZyme hits | PDB hits | Swiss-Prot hits | SignalP and Lipop annotations | TMHMM annotations

Basic Information help

Species Companilactobacillus farciminis
Lineage Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Lactobacillales; Lactobacillaceae; Companilactobacillus; Companilactobacillus farciminis
CAZyme ID MGYG000004788_02104
CAZy Family GH170
CAZyme Description hypothetical protein
CAZyme Property
Protein Length CGC Molecular Weight Isoelectric Point
345 MGYG000004788_60|CGC1 39978.18 5.5816
Genome Property
Genome Assembly ID Genome Size Genome Type Country Continent
MGYG000004788 2403188 MAG China Asia
Gene Location Start: 5099;  End: 6136  Strand: +

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Enzyme Prediction      help

No EC number prediction in MGYG000004788_02104.

CAZyme Signature Domains help

Family Start End Evalue family coverage
GH170 1 341 3.6e-117 0.9942857142857143

CDD Domains      download full data without filtering help

Cdd ID Domain E-Value qStart qEnd sStart sEnd Domain Description
pfam19200 DUF871_N 2.45e-92 2 213 1 225
DUF871 N-terminal domain. This family consists of several conserved hypothetical proteins from bacteria and archaea. The function of this family is unknown.
COG3589 COG3589 9.10e-92 1 341 3 356
Uncharacterized protein [Function unknown].
pfam05913 DUF871 4.70e-28 250 341 24 115
Bacterial protein of unknown function (DUF871). This family consists of several conserved hypothetical proteins from bacteria and archaea. The function of this family is unknown.

CAZyme Hits      help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End
ATO46487.1 6.90e-260 1 345 1 345
AKS52247.1 2.73e-241 1 345 1 345
QMT83996.1 2.73e-241 1 345 1 345
AKP03942.1 2.73e-241 1 345 1 345
QCX24782.1 1.17e-226 1 345 1 345

PDB Hits      download full data without filtering help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
2P0O_A 2.04e-69 3 339 6 355
Crystalstructure of a conserved protein from locus EF_2437 in Enterococcus faecalis with an unknown function [Enterococcus faecalis V583]
1X7F_A 2.15e-28 2 339 29 381
Crystalstructure of an uncharacterized B. cereus protein [Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579]

Swiss-Prot Hits      download full data without filtering help

Hit ID E-Value Query Start Query End Hit Start Hit End Description
A0A0H2XHV5 5.63e-42 1 341 1 343
6-phospho-N-acetylmuramidase OS=Staphylococcus aureus (strain USA300) OX=367830 GN=mupG PE=1 SV=1

SignalP and Lipop Annotations help

This protein is predicted as OTHER

1.000045 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

TMHMM  Annotations      help

There is no transmembrane helices in MGYG000004788_02104.