
Browse anti-prokaryotic immune system families by CLAN ID

AD families AD genes Defense system CLAN ID Phages/MGEs References Description
APIS011 gp4.5 toxin-antitoxin (TA) CLAN023 T7 of E. coli PMID:23478446 Protein gp4.5 allows T7 to block Lon (protease) from degrading antitoxins (the SanTA system in E. coli), including SanaA, thereby preventing liberation of SanaT. However, beyond a possible interaction between gp4.5 and Lon in uninfected cells, this speculative model remains untested.
APIS078 CLAN023 Morganella phage vB_MmoP_MP2
APIS080 CLAN023 Klebsiella phage VLCpiA3d
APIS084 CLAN023 Pectobacterium phage phiPccP-1